Old Clay Pipe Drains Can Be Broken Down by Tree Roots and Time

lining sewage with plastic pipes

Clay pipe has been used as buried sewer line in the United States since the beginning of the twentieth century. Over time, moisture, shifting soil, and tree roots can cause tiny cracks in clay pipe and may lead to collapse as the years progress. If your sewer line needs a regular snaking to clear clogs […]

Keep Your Septic System Operating in Winter With These Easy Tips

pumping septic tanks from the backyard tank in the countryside

Septic systems are complex, so they require regular maintenance. Unfortunately, many homeowners forget about them until they malfunction. Winter is an especially bad time for a septic system to stop working. Nevertheless, you can avoid cold weather disasters by following these simple tips. Inspect the System The cycle of freezing and thawing can make telltale […]

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