How a Plumbing Pro Can Help You Choose the Perfect Water Heater

technician repairing an hot-water heater

Having the right-size water heater is key to keeping everyone in your home comfortable and your showers and baths steamy. But with so many different sizes and features on the market, it can be difficult to choose the perfect one. That is where a professional plumber can be your hero. Plumbers can help you choose […]

Sewer Line Maintenance Is a Simple Way to Prevent Costly Repairs

Building a sewer

A single clogged or slow drain can be a source of frustration. However, if your sewer line is clogged, the situation can become costly and hazardous in a short amount of time. To keep your sewer line functioning effectively now and in the future, regular cleaning is key. Clay Pipe Concerns Many of the sewer […]

4 Creative Habits to Keep Your Drains Clog-Free and Flowing

Drain clogs are messy and a pain to deal with. Standing water in sinks starts to develop a bad odor, and your sink is out of commission until you take care of the clog. Preventing problems is always better than spending time and money to resolve them. Here are four smart habits to help prevent […]

Easy Ways to Prevent Issues With Your Water Heater

Water heater in basement

Your home’s water heater is an important appliance that uses energy to create hot water for your home. While any water heater may need to be repaired at some point, there are several steps you can take to ensure you avoid any major malfunctions that could cause catastrophic loss of your hot water supply. Regularly […]

Old Clay Pipe Drains Can Be Broken Down by Tree Roots and Time

lining sewage with plastic pipes

Clay pipe has been used as buried sewer line in the United States since the beginning of the twentieth century. Over time, moisture, shifting soil, and tree roots can cause tiny cracks in clay pipe and may lead to collapse as the years progress. If your sewer line needs a regular snaking to clear clogs […]

Why Summertime Is the Perfect Time to Clean Your Drains

Drain cleaning is an essential part of home maintenance. Drainpipes are easy to forget about, but they’re the very thing that provides access to water for everything from taking a shower to washing the dishes. The best way to ensure you always have water when you need it is to schedule routine drain cleanings. Drain […]

3 Shocking Facts About Sewer Lines

Blue plastic drain pipe

Homeowners commonly overlook or even disregard sewer systems. However, we encourage our customers to learn more about them. By learning more about sewers and how they function, it will empower you to handle any issues with confidence. 1. There Are Three Types, and Not All of Them Are Odorous Most people believe one sewer line […]

Helpful Water Heater Safety Tips

Electric water heater

A healthy water heater will be able to conserve energy while providing your family with all the hot water they need to bathe, clean, and cook. Unexpected system malfunctions can potentially pose a risk to your convenience and safety. Here’s what you can do to keep your home’s water heater running as safely as possible […]

Flow Freely: Spring Maintenance Tips for Healthy Drain Lines

chrome tap and washbasin

As spring blossoms, it not only brings the beauty of nature but also serves as a reminder for homeowners to tackle essential maintenance jobs. These tasks include ensuring the health of home drain lines. Clogged drains can lead to a multitude of problems, from minor inconveniences to significant water damage. Consider the following simple steps […]

Unexpected Causes of Sewer Line Troubles

The most common sewer line problem by far is the classic clog. Top causes include pouring grease down the drain and children flushing items they shouldn’t. But clogs can occur due to external sources as well. Watch for signs that you have bellied, broken, or corroded pipes. Tree Roots Invasive tree roots are the most […]

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At The Original Plumber & Septic, we are committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilities enjoy full access to our websites. In recognition of this commitment, we are in the process of making modifications to increase the accessibility and usability of this website, using the relevant portions of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0) as our standard. Please be aware that our efforts are ongoing. If at any time you have difficulty using this website or with a particular web page or function on this site, please contact us by phone at (855) 761-3823; or email us at and place “Web Content Accessibility (ADA)” in the subject heading and we will make all reasonable efforts to assist you.