5 Signs Your Water Heater Is Encountering Problems

While water heaters are durable, there comes a time when issues occur, and they need repairs. To catch problems quickly and keep them from becoming disastrous, you must look out for the following five signs that your water heater is in trouble. Then, you can get help in a timely manner. 1. Discolored Water Coming […]

Look Out for Your Septic System This Winter

Plumber Repairing a Broken Pipe in a Septic Field

Many people look forward to spending extra time at home and celebrating with others during the holidays. There can be a lot of activity in a home during this season, whether it has to do with house guests or special gatherings. This can lead to an increased risk of problems related to septic systems. Fortunately, […]

5 Tips to Quickly Reduce Your Sewer Bill

Your water company sends you a bill based on your total water usage and other factors. If you look closely at the bill, you’ll notice that some charges relate to your sewer line. While a sharp increase is a sign of a leak, the bill can slowly rise over the next few months. Explore some […]

Red Flags You Need Your Septic Tank Pumped

Septic tanks keep the waste that comes through your pipes safe and contained. When you buy and install one, you need to choose a size that’s appropriate for your household and family unit. Tanks show some common signs when they’re running out of room. We’ll help you identify the warning signs your septic tank needs […]

4 Fall Maintenance Tips for Your Drains

Keeping your drain clean and working efficiently can help extend the plumbing system of your home and prevent unpleasant issues from arising. When your bathroom or kitchen drains are blocked, you may be forced to stop using them until a plumber checks them out. Below are tips on how to effectively maintain your drains in […]

Take Precautions When Pumping Your Septic Tank

Pumping a septic tank is a difficult and time-consuming process that should typically be left to the professionals. It requires special equipment that only professional plumbers have access to. Even when maintaining or inspecting your septic system, you can encounter health hazards that involve everything from harmful gases to infectious diseases. If you’re thinking of […]

The Water Heater’s Modern Living Revolution

Automatic water heater in the bathroom

In modern living, there’s an unsung hero quietly working behind the scenes – the water heater. This appliance has transformed our lives, bringing comfort, convenience, and hygiene to our daily routines. Water heaters have left an indelible mark on our lifestyles, from the soothing morning shower to efficient household chores. Below are the remarkable ways […]

Five Tips to Choose the Right Size Tankless Water Heater

Tankless hot water heater installed in a basement utility room to save money and energy.

Selecting the appropriate size of water heater is essential to ensure the comfort and efficiency of your household. Unlike traditional water heaters with limited storage capacities, tankless models provide hot water on demand, making them a popular choice for modern homes. However, with numerous options available, finding the perfect fit for your household’s needs can […]

5 Tips to Keep a Clean and Healthy Drain

A person is trying to unclog the drain of a sink using plastic disposable snake auger tool which helps pull hair and soap debris from the sinkhole. Close up DIY home maintenance concept.

A drainage system removes wastewater from homes and businesses. A clogged drain can result in many issues that are a hassle to fix. You may end up with sewage backup, water damage, or flooding in your home. These issues can become very costly to repair. You prevent them by taking time and putting effort into […]

Top 4 Signs You Have Corroded Pipes

metal pipe with valve is leaking in water treatment plant

When it comes to plumbing, corrosion can be a major problem. If not dealt with quickly and effectively, corroded pipes can lead to costly repairs and potential flooding in your home. Knowing the signs of corrosion can help you identify the problem early and save time, money, and frustration. Here are some common indicators. 1. […]

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice

At The Original Plumber & Septic, we are committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilities enjoy full access to our websites. In recognition of this commitment, we are in the process of making modifications to increase the accessibility and usability of this website, using the relevant portions of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0) as our standard. Please be aware that our efforts are ongoing. If at any time you have difficulty using this website or with a particular web page or function on this site, please contact us by phone at (855) 761-3823; or email us at office@theoriginalplumber.com and place “Web Content Accessibility (ADA)” in the subject heading and we will make all reasonable efforts to assist you.